​M A R I N E

G E N O M I C S​


Professional Experience
Laboratory Technician, Brownwood Memorial Hospital, Brownwood, Texas, Summers (1963-1966)
Research Trainee, Elgin State Research Hospital, Elgin, Illinois, Summer (1967)
Teaching Assistant, Department of Biology, Knox College, Galesburg, Illinois (1967-1968)
NIH Predoctoral Fellow, Department of Genetics, University of California, Davis (1968-1973)
Postdoctoral Scientist, Department of Animal Science, University of California, Davis (1973-1975)
Assistant/Associate Professor of Genetics, Texas A&M University (1975-1983)
Greenback Cutthroat Trout Recovery Team, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (1977-1980)
Associate Professor of Genetics and Biochemistry, Texas A&M University (1983-1986)
Member, Editorial Board of Copeia - Journal of the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists (1984-1987)
Member, Advisory Panel for Systematic Biology, National Science Foundation (1984-1989)
Professor of Genetics and Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences, Texas A&M University (1986-2013)
Chair, Intercollegiate Program in Genetics, Texas A&M University (1986-1989)
Member, Advisory Panel for Postdoctoral and Mid-Career Fellowships, Division of Environmental Biology, National Science Foundation (1988-1989, 1993-1994)
Director, Center for Biosystematics and Biodiversity, Texas A&M University (1990-1996)
Editorial Advisor, Marine Ecology - Progress Series, Springer International (1991-2001)
Technical Advisor for Endangered Resources, Texas Parks and Wildlife Department (1991-present)
International Editor for the Biomedical Journal Chromatin (1991-1993)
International Editor for the Biomedical Journal Cytobios (1991-1995)
Editorial Advisor, Marine Biology, Springer International (1993-1997)
Genetics, Development, and Morphology Editor of Copeia - Journal of the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists (1993-2000)
Member, NRC (NAS) Ocean Studies Board Committee for Atlantic Bluefin Tuna (1994)
Member, Panel for King Mackerel Stock Assessment, National Marine Fisheries Service (1994)
Member, Class 4, ESCOP/ACOP (NASULGC) Leadership Program (1994-1995)
Technical Advisor, International Commission for the Conservation of Atlantic Tunas (1995-1997)
Member, Strategic Leadership Team, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (1995-1997)
Member, Agriculture Program Think-Tank, The Texas A&M University System (1995-1997)
Member, Advisory Panel for Academic Research Infrastructure, National Science Foundation (1996)
Member, External Review Panel of the Fisheries Department, Virginia Institute of Marine Science (1996)
Program Director, Division of Environmental Biology, National Science Foundation (1996-1997)
Member, Advisory Panel for Integrative Graduate Education and Research Training Program, National Science Foundation (1997-2000)
Member, Advisory Panel for Postdoctoral Fellowships in the Biosciences, Division of Biological Infrastructure, National Science Foundation (1999-2000)
Member, Red Snapper Review Panel, Gulf & South Atlantic Fisheries Development Foundation (1998-2000)
Member, Advisory Panel for Doctoral Dissertation Improvement Grants, Division of Environmental Biology, National Science Foundation (1999-2001)
Member, Technical Review Panel, New York Sea Grant Program (1999-2000)
Member, Technical Review Panel, Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center, Department of theb Interior (1999-2001)
Member, Advisory Panel for Minority Postdoctoral Fellowships, Division of Biological Infrastructure, National Science Foundation (1999-2001)
Member, Advisory Panel for Atlantic Highly Migratory Species, National Marine Fisheries Service (2007-2010)
Member, Editorial Board, Conservation Biology Journal (2007–2013)
Member, Advisory Panel for Ecology, Evolution, and Organismal Biology, Research Frontiers Program, Science Foundation of Ireland (2008-2010)
TAMU Research Foundation Faculty Representative to the Federal Demonstration Partnership (2008-2013)
Endowed Chair in Genetics and Biodiversity, Harte Research Institute (2014-present)
Review Editor, Frontiers in Marine Science (2015-present)
Professional Awards and Recognition
NIH Predoctoral Fellow, Department of Genetics, University of California, Davis (1968-1973)
Research Fellow, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, Tokyo, Japan (1980)
Distinguished Performance Award, Undergraduate Teaching, Texas A&M University (1985)
University Honors Program Teacher/Scholar Award, Texas A&M University (1986)
Distinguished Teaching Award, College of Agriculture, Association of Former Students, Texas A&M University (1986)
Board of Governors, American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists (1993-1999)
Outstanding Teacher, Genetics Undergraduate Society, Texas A&M University (1993)
Distinguished Achievement Award for Teaching, Association of Former Students, Texas A&M University (1993)
Invited Plenary Lecture, Eighth International Congress of Ichthyology, Oviedo, Spain (1994)
Outstanding Faculty Member, Undergraduate Biochemistry Society, Texas A&M University (1994)
Excellence in Teaching Award, National Association of State Universities and Land Grant Colleges (1999)
Elected Fellow, American Association for the Advancement of Science (1999)
Faculty Fellow, Texas Agricultural Experiment Station (2000)
Invited Plenary Lecture, Annual Meeting of the Genetics Society of Brazil, Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas de Amazonia e Universidade do Amazonas, Manaus, Brasil (2000)
Invited Plenary Lecture, 2nd International Symposium on Stock Enhancement and Sea Ranching, Kobe, Japan (2002)
Fulbright Research Scholar, Norway (2003)
Vice-Chancellor’s Award in Excellence (Research), Texas A&M University (2003)
Invited Plenary Lecture, Annual International Symposium, Fisheries Society of the British Isles, Aberdeen, Scotland (2006)
Regents Professor, The Texas A&M University System (2007)
Senior Faculty Fellow, Texas AgriLife Research (2007)
Cintron Endowed Professorship (2008)
Invited Plenary Lecture, International Symposium on Formosa Landlocked Salmon and Masu Salmon, Taipei, Taiwan (2009)
Fulbright Teaching/Research Scholar, Chile (2011)
Endowed Chair, Harte Research Institute (2014)
George Miksch Sutton Award in Conservation Research, The Southwestern Association of Naturalists (2014)
Awards Received by Students/Employees
William Karel: Lechner Fellowship, Texas A&M University (1982-1983)
Chris Amemiya: 1985 Stoye Award - Best Student Paper, Annual Meeting of the American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists, Knoxville, Tennessee
Chris Amemiya: Tom Slick Fellowship, Texas A&M University (1985-1986)
Chara Ragland: 1986 Best Student Presentation, American Fisheries Society – Texas Chapter
Patricia Zoch: Research Enhancement Award for Undergraduates, National Science Foundation (1987)
Chris Amemiya: Alfred P. Sloan Foundation Postdoctoral Fellowship (1987-1989)
Kathryn Gamble: Research Enhancement Award for Undergraduates, National Science Foundation (1988)
Claire Aldridge: Research Enhancement Award for Undergraduates, National Science Foundation (1991)
Robert Barber: Regent's Fellowship, Texas A&M University (1991-1992)
Linda Richardson: 1992 Deputy Chancellor's Award in Excellence (Research Support), Texas A&M University Timothy Schmidt: Tom Slick Fellowship, Texas A&M University (1993-1994)
Asrun Kristmundsdóttir: 1993 Best Student Presentation, American Fisheries Society – Texas Chapter
Linda Richardson: 1993 Outstanding Staff Award, Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences
Robert McClay: Research Enhancement Award for Undergraduates, National Science Foundation (1994)
Linda Richardson: 1994 Outstanding Masters Student Award, Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences, Texas A&M University
Carrie Sinex: Regent's Fellowship, Texas A&M University (1994-1995)
Aaron Brault: Research Enhancement Award for Undergraduates, National Science Foundation (1995)
Joseph Bielawski: Tom Slick Fellowship, Texas A&M University (1998-1999)
Linda Richardson: 1998 Deputy Chancellor’s Award in Excellence (Research Support), Texas A&M University
Leah Stewart: 1999 Sigma-Genosys Outstanding Senior Award, Texas A&M University
Ruth Ann Dworak: 1999 ProdiGene Outstanding Senior Award, Texas A&M University
Aimee Blanchard: 2002 ProdiGene Outstanding Senior Award, Texas A&M University
S. Coleen Bradfield: 2004 Outstanding Staff Award, Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences
Xena Wang: Tom Slick Fellowship, Texas A&M University (2005-2006)
N. Danielle Ebelt: 2006 Undergraduate Honors Program Research Award
Eric Saillant: 2007 Vice-Chancellor’s Award in Excellence (Research Support), Texas A&M University
Mark Renshaw: 2007 Outstanding Staff Award, Department of Wildlife and Fisheries Sciences
N. Danielle Ebelt: 2007 Nestor Bottino Outstanding Senior Award, Texas A&M University
Ashley Hanna: Regent’s Fellowship, Texas A&M University (2008-2009)
Ashley Hanna: Summer Excellence Assistantship, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (2009)
Ashley Hanna: Travel Fellowship, 7th Ecological Genomics Symposium, Kansas State University (2010)
Melissa Giresi, Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior Student Travel Grant, Texas A&M University (2011)
Melissa Giresi, American Society of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists Student Travel Grant (2011)
Christopher Hollenbeck: NRSP-8 Aquaculture Genomics Group Travel Award, PAG XX Conference (2012)
Christopher Hollenbeck: Tuition and Travel Scholarship, 17th Summer Institute in Statistical Genetics, University of Washington (2012)
Melissa Giresi, Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute, Student Travel Award (2012)
Melissa Giresi, Harry Tennyson Scholarship – Sportsmen’s Club of Ft. Worth (2013)
Melissa Giresi, Best Student Presentation – Ecological Integration Symposium, Texas A&M Universit (2013)
Christopher Hollenbeck: Travel Award, American Fisheries Society- Marine Fisheries Section (2013)
Christopher Hollenbeck: Grant-in-Aid, Texas Sea Grant, $2,000 for research (2014)
Evan Carson: George Miksch Sutton Award in Conservation Research, The Southwestern Association of Naturalists (2014)
Ashley Hanna: George Miksch Sutton Award in Conservation Research, The Southwestern Association of Naturalists (2014)